My ARwin

"My ARwin" is an iOS and Android app designed to support children (and adults) with a rare disease who need to regularly perform subcutaneous injections.


Through augmented reality (AR) and video guidance, the app helps users practice the steps of the injection process. It offers helpful tips and tricks and features calming breathing sounds to guide users through each step, making the experience less stressful.

For those who want a little extra support, "My ARwin" includes a friendly character called ARwin, modeled after a Japanese Daruma doll.


ARwin appears during AR practice and can be customized with different colors and fun features like a robot arm, skateboard, or wings. Users can unlock these customizations by playing a quiz about self-injecting, earning points to buy items from the store. It’s a fun and engaging way to make the learning process more enjoyable!

Client: Takeda Nordics & inSpark

Concept Design: Takeda Nordics & Studio Barbaar

Interaction Design: Studio Barbaar

3D Design: Virtual Factory


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